Paradoxically, I have always used writing as a means to both empty and fill my mind. Writing helps me get thoughts out of my head, helping me to think about them individually. I feel one is more rational as a reader. That’s why I have always kept a journal or written to-do-lists.

However, writing has also always inspired me to create new ideas. Ever since I was young, I have written stories and poetry – each new thought growing into a thousand new thoughts. That is why writing is magic! It can be both an inspiration and a therapy.

Sometimes, I write about how I think – just scribbling down each of those thoughts, wondering whether to give it a rhyming scheme or not. Sometimes, I write about silly things or people I see or emotions I feel or characters I have crocheted. Whatever I write though, it is me. It is who I am, who I was and everything I could be. So here, you will find the home of all my scribbles – sometimes funny, sometimes sad, a little mad – but always me.